Typical dimwit "artist", but certainly a good way for the idiot to get his 15 minutes of fame. Go to link to view the future Hussein like, eye soar.


Artist to create massive Obama portrait near Barcelona beach

From Al Goodman
CNN Madrid Bureau Chief

MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- Barack Obama sometimes gets ribbed for his outsized ideas, like the massive stage built in Denver, Colorado, to accept the Democratic presidential nomination. But an artist in Barcelona, Spain, may be about to outdo the candidate himself.

Rodriguez-Gerada says his portrait of Barack Obama will be 445 feet long by 264 feet wide.

The artist plans to create a gigantic face of Obama sculpted from gravel and sand, which will cover nearly 2.5 acres (1 hectare) of Barcelona beachfront before the U.S. elections.

"The size of the piece is intrinsic to its value," the artist, Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada, said Saturday.

He hopes it will be big enough to be seen on Google Earth.

"Obama's personality -- his youth, personal history and message of a new politics -- has fused with the historical moment to create someone larger than life," says the artist's dossier about the work, titled "Expectation."

The huge size also alludes "to the global impact of this election," the dossier adds.

Rodriguez-Gerada, 42, is a Cuban-born American who grew up in North Plainfield, New Jersey, near New York, and now lives in Barcelona.

The artist, who has long focused on large-format sketches and other designs, said he had been planning to put an anonymous face on Barcelona's Mediterranean beachfront but shelved the idea. Then, six weeks ago, he decided it should be Obama's face.

"Everybody's doing work about Obama," he said. "I was talking to my wife about the importance of this election internationally. It all came together."