Many started the "get used to saying President Obama" shortly after he defeated Hillary in the primaries. I didn't like the sound of it and still held my ground that I would prefer Fred Thompson in the position.

Well, it's time to pony up and get used to referring to our new leader as quite a few liberals/democrats proclaimed.

A historical election season just finished and it was like no other I could remember in recent times. Obama reeled in more money than I've ever seen and ran a very well planned campaign and plain out beat John McCain to the White House.

He now has my respect as our new incoming President and will continue to have my respect as leader of our great country. I hope he makes sound decisions for the greater good of ALL Americans, and also makes sound decisions as CIC which is good for our military and our allies abroad. I hope he listens to not only his cabinet, but also all of congress, all of America, all of our field Generals and all of our foreign allie leaders.

I cannot disrepect a man based on a campaign that generally always end up in some mudslinging. I will judge him based on the decisions he makes in the oval office. For better or worse, he IS the new leader of the USA. I hope and pray that he, along with the new congress, make bi-partisan decisions that reflect the will of the American people.

So, with that said, congratulations to those who fervently supported Obama, and congratulations to Senator Obama himself for his historical victory.