It's time for commercials you love to hate! Post them here

I dunno, I still think that commercial for the ED product where the guy and his girlfriend are sitting in his and hers bathtubs is pretty lame.

What's with that? Is there a hidden meaning or did they just forget to pay the water bill?

How about all those jewelry ads that, mercifully, aren't being shown because the holidays are over? If I had to watch one more mushy, kissy faced, sap filled 30 second plug for jewelry...

Oh yeah, any commercial with Billy Mays. Those commercials should come with a warning flashed on the bottom of the screen "Wear hearing protection"

Any commercial for attorneys... talk about trawling for trouble! There's one litigation attorney who advertises on my local cable network named James Sokolove. I like to call him James Suck-a-lot because he's such a leach. First, it was asbestos, then it was leukemia, then it was class action suits, now it's patent infringement. I'm waiting for him at advertise for cases for those whose grocery stores don't stock crunchy peanut butter any day now!

Local commercials where the owners are the actors. Wow, talk about a lack of acting ability. Take my advice, next time, spend a little extra and pay someone who knows what to do in front of a camera!