Last night, I finally bit the bullet and blew a good portion of my Christmas bonus on an XBOX 360! This thing is pretty freakin sweet, huh? I already got the Netflix thing set up, which is outstanding, you can stream a good percentage of their library straight from your system (no movies that Sony was involved in, obviously!). I bought GTA IV and Halo 3 and it came with Kung Fu Panda and Lego Indiana Jones. But, last night, I played Rock Band 2 at a coworker's house, and it was outstanding, so I think that'll be the next one I buy (not for a while though!). Manu, can I count on you to play online if I buy it? Or, anyone else here, for that matter.

So, you guys add me, my name is 'Gino Falino'. Any Halo players here?