Put together, there are some amazing similarities.

Hitler had a fanatical hatred of Jews. He blamed Jewish people are every problem that Germany experienced in the 1930s and after. Hitler's lunacies were so convincing, he got much of the nation to believe him.
Bush has a fanatical hatred of Muslims. He has blamed Islam for pretty much all the world's problems. Bush's lunacies are so convincing, he has much of the nation believing.

Hitler was a strong advocate of nationalism and ethnic purity. He wanted Germany to be comprised exclusively of genetically perfect people. He was known to hate blacks and immigrants.
Bush apologists are the same way. They want America to be comprised exclusively of white Christians. They are known to hate blacks and immigrants.

Hitler was so devoted to his ideals of a perfect Germany that he started a war to begin the process.
Bush is so devoted to his ideals of a perfect America that he started a war to begin the process. Which is ongoing.

Let's hope we don't make it to the bunker scene.