I just watched the final news conference of our president, George Bush. As many know, as a Libertarian, I am no great advocate of George Bush, correction, the Republican Party. I have to say though in watching the president this morning I find my imagination wondering into places such as what does this man think when he deals with the things he deals with. He answered so many questions differently than he did during his presidency. More open, more human it seemed.

I have to say, Mr. Bush was no press whore. He didn't camp out on the polls worrying about the reactions to his decisions. He led! One thing we must all realize by now is, he was the leader! He didn't blame others, didn't dodge responsibility and made the toughest decisions of any president in our history and stood behind them. For this, he deserves respect. As of today, our country has not been attacked again, Iran is well under control and stable and like it or not, there is a plan to address the issues of the economy in place, whether you like the plan or not. Personally, I do not! But I do admire the president for his leadership. I like him, I want to think he tried as hard as he could, this is what the president to do.

Soon a man who represents a philosophy even less identifyable to mine will take office. I like him too! I don't agree with hardly any of his political agenda but oddly I do like him. I hope that when the festivities of the innaugeration are over and he walks into the oval office he sits down and like Mr. Bush, accepts those awesome responsibilities with the same understanding as his Mr. Bush. I hope when he sees the press core cheering him on those first few weeks he resolves to his conversations with Mr. Bush and allows his conscience to lead him such as was the example set for him by Mr. Bush. We have witnessed him allowing his opinions to evolve somewhat already, in that he has already made some statements that give me encouragement about his positions being somewhat different than his campagne would suggest. Maybe it is just something about the position. Perhaps realizing it is necessary to be the president of all the people and that realization that makes a president think this way. I mean, we can sit back and criticize but we don't have to sit in that chair. He does and it would be in best interests to wish him well.

President Bush has handled his criticism very well. So much more dignified than President Clinton did. One must look back at some of the news reels to see it. Clinton has a friendly press compared to Bush. He broke many times under the pressure and got mad. Mr. Bush held his tongue many times and stood behind his decisions. Most of those I didn't necessarily agree with but I admire that he did the job we hired him to do. He led the country and left no doubt as to who was in charge of the effort at any time. I hope Mr. Obama does the same. I hope if he believes in something he will stand as tall as Mr. Bush did. I hope he will use his conscience the way Mr. Bush did.

I certainly do not intend for this little piece to be a rallying cry for Mr. Obama. I would just suggest that the righties on here implement the same philosophy they echoed four years ago when it was pointed out that people should respect the office of the president. I saw it, and so did you! Mr. Obama does not represent the opinions of what the majority of us here do, OK, acknowledged. Now, can we be as dignified as our example just was (Mr. Bush) in those dissentions and make progress by addressing the issues and getting away from the senseless personal attacks. They accomplish nothing! Lets hold the same standard we asked of Democrats when Bush took his oath, and not drop to the standards of Democrats, which was terrible, it will only makes two wrongs, and that won't equal a right.

I am proud of our president, our country and wish the President-elect God's speed personally and I hope you do to!