This is not a scientific study. It’s merely an account of discussions I heard among soldiers in barracks, at work, at parties, and in taverns. Soldiers discuss women more than anything else, and that’s what this is about.

On the old Benny Hill Show, there was once a skit where two guys are lying in front of a beach change house. A woman, fully dressed, is lying in a deck chair in front of the beach house, and the two men are looking “up her dress.” Presently the woman gets up, goes in the change house, comes out in a very skimpy bikini, and gets back into the deck chair. The men frown, snap their fingers in disappointment, and move on.

Benny Hill had it right. Many (maybe most) men would rather get a peek at something they’re not supposed to see than to get a full view of same when it’s on public display. (This is not to say that men don’t appreciate a pretty girl in a bikini--they do indeed.)

Everyone knows that men like to ogle naked females. There are, however, a great number of men that aren’t turned on by the form of a naked female. They’d much rather see a gal in tight jeans, a revealing gown, short shorts, or a mini skirt. In a strip show, most guys are excited more by the act of stripping than the finish--when the gal is stripped.

But the average guy will show a “wow!” reaction, to a naked female. Why? Simply because it’s expected of him (see the first sentence in the preceding paragraph.) This can be likened to the reaction of an asexual male in a group of normal males when a pretty girl strolls by. The asexual male will show a “wow!” reaction to the girl--simply because it’s expected of him.

Same goes for big boobs. Many--maybe most-- men are not turned on by big boobs. But here again, they will show a “wow!” reaction because it’s expected of them (everybody knows that men like big boobs.) From what I’ve gathered, at least as many guys like small, firm boobs better than big floppy ones. In addition, a significant number of guys simply are not “boob men.” You have “butt men” and “leg men” as well.

It seems that women are more concerned about boobs than men are. Women are concerned about their boob size perhaps because of the “wow!” reaction of men, many of whom are “wowing” because it’s expected of them. Also, boobs get a lot of hype in movies and on TV. Of course, there are guys who like humongous boobs, just as there are some guys who like to ogle naked ladies.

A group of men who work together and live together, as soldiers in a barracks, are more honest with each other about their feelings. Particularly when they’re drinking. They are more apt to admit their true likes and dislikes about gals.

Other things that turn guys on: VPL (visible panty line), slit skirts, or undies of just about any description.

On one of the sitcoms, there was a skit where a guy was introduced to a sexy girl wearing very revealing clothes. After the girl leaves, someone remarks that the girl had beautiful eyes, and the guy said something like “Oh, did she have eyes?”

Actually, the one part of a woman that is most attractive to most men is...the face. Believe it or not. Time and again guys say things like “from the neck down she was a knockout, but her face was just so so.”

What’s the first thing about a gal that attracts a guy? I think I’ll get very little argument that it’s the gal’s looks. There are exceptions, but to most guys looks are most important--at first. But later, other things will begin to take on more importance, such as personality, temperament, and sex appeal. After a guy gets to know two gals, he may well choose the shy one over the outgoing one who is prettier. Or the outgoing gal over the pretty but shy gal.

Compatibility also will come into play later. Does she like sports? What kind of music? Animals? And so on.

Of course, guys come in all types, and there are types to whom nothing else matters or ever will matter but looks and boobs and willingness to hop in bed. If I were a gal, I’d go out of my way to avoid this guy.

What is sex appeal? It’s something you can’t describe. No way. Looks have nothing to do with it. Merely looking sexy is not sex appeal. I’ve heard guys say over and over that they don’t know what it is about a plain looking gal that turns them on. I’ve been affected that way, and so have most men, I guess. Gals can make themselves prettier. And more sexy looking. But they can’t do anything about sex appeal. It’s there or it isn’t.

Many women like to say that “all men are alike.” Far from true.

All men are different. In fact, I don’t think that there are any two men exactly alike. It has been said that nothing is true of all men. So true.

Finally, I’d like to reiterate: This is not a scientific study. It’s merely an account of discussions I heard (for twenty years) among soldiers in barracks, at work, at parties, and in taverns. Soldiers discuss women more than anything else, and that’s what this was about.