Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
I just got back from driving my best friend in the area to Briarcliff Manor. Yes, he's a Muslim. Born and raised in Saudi Arabia, then Jordan and now the US. His roommate, also my friend, is a Muslim who was born in Iran, then moved to Morroco, and now the US. They share many stories with me and tell me the same about the supposed "propaganda" you speak of, only they've seen it with their own eyes. I asked him if it would be cool of me to hit on the local chicks if he ever brought me to SA or Jordan and he told me I couldn't, and that the women would never "hit" back anyway as they would pay a severe price for doing so. Muslim women are treated worse than any women in the world and in some places have no rights whatsoever, except the right to be beaten. Answer me this, suppose you live in Saudi Arabia or Turkey - and you're a woman, and you accuse one of the local men of rape but you have no direct proof and no witnesses, what happens to that woman? *Hint, I know the answer already but wouldn't mind hearing your lies.

Now go choke on some bacon strips, the same I feed my dogs for snacks, and you ARE a dog.

Good day!
what i find funny, is that after hearing your offensive remarks towards muslims, if i said an offensive remark towards jews- you guys would fucking cry like babies and think oh MY GOD. FUCK YOU. its ignorant,racist and bastards like you all here on this forum- with such bigotted views- that cause so much tension in the world. Its people like you that trigger wars and resentment.