It looks like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, And Pres Obama want to make themselves supreme CEO's of American corporations

Revised bailout plan would restrict CEO bonuses, force those receiving aid to ditch corporate jets

Congressional Democrats want to rework last year’s Wall Street bailout bill to require banks and investment houses getting federal help to sell their corporate jets and curtail executive bonuses.

House Financial Services Committee chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass., introduced the changes Friday. They look to put more strings to the $350 billion remaining of the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program passed earlier this year.

The Frank plan also looks to have the federal government use as much as $100 billion of the remaining TARP funds to help distressed homeowners.

The corporate jet and CEO pay stipulations mirror those sought for U.S. automakers Chrysler LLC and General Motors Corp., which are getting $17 billion in TARP funds under a Bush administration plan.

The Frank bill also would allow for bailout funds and loans to help consumer lending, commercial real estate and home buyers, and would make more liberal Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. account insurance permanent.