Pres Obama must getting desperate, he will make the rounds to his campaign staff to try and sell the mega pork bill to the public

Support for the bill (and Obama's approval ratings) are falling - so now he hits the airwaves

Obama Mounts Media Blitz For Stimulus Plan
As Senate Opens Debate On $800B-Plus Economic Package, President To Give TV Interviews Promoting Package

CBS/ AP) President Barack Obama planned to spend Tuesday waging an all-out media blitz to promote passage of his $800 billion-plus stimulus plan, which faces assaults from both Democrats and Republicans during debate in the Senate this week.

Mr. Obama was slated to give a series of Oval Office television interviews. He spoke with Democratic congressional leaders about the spending and tax-cut package on Monday afternoon at the White House, and planned to talk economics with the Democratic rank-and-file at House and Senate retreats later in the week.

President Obama's young administration faced an unwelcome distraction to its efforts to gain support for the stimulus plan as a second Cabinet nominee faced questions over his tax returns

Former Sen. Tom Daschle apologized Monday for failing to pay more than $120,000 in taxes and appealed to his former colleagues in the Senate to approve him all the same. Mr. Obama said he was "absolutely" sticking with his nominee for health secretary.

The White House both underscored the magnitude of the problem and tried to downplay it in the space of seven words. "Nobody's perfect," said press secretary Robert Gibbs. "It was a serious mistake. ..."

The administration did receive some welcome news when another Cabinet choice, Eric Holder, was confirmed by the Senate late Monday. Holder was to be sworn in Tuesday to become the first African-American U.S. attorney general