Just a note to let you know I enjoy the debate and plan to rejoin it if... Today I've been watching the US Senate debate the stimulus package and I'll admit I'm very depressed with the Senator from Maine and Pennsylvania joining in with the democrats. If this legislation goes down as it looks it will I will never bother myself with politics again for the rest of my life because I think the Republican Party is dead and the alternative is worse than death. America and the world are finished if my party dies and it's on life support. I don't know how to put my thoughts into words of how I feel but I will guarantee you that you will never hear from me again if this socialist’s bill goes down as planned. We are doomed, the world is doomed and the other 38 Republicans might as well clock out and go home and watch the end in comfort. On the other hand, if the Republican’s pull a rabbit out of their hats I’ll be back. I just can’t take pardoning a terrorist and the death of my party in one day.