Okay, I'm a girly, and I'll contribute to the thread.

We always buy cards and usually go out to dinner, even after all these years. Thi syear we didn't becasue we had to take care of my MIL. That's ok too. Some years I get roses. This was a roses year. Also, chocolate-covered strawberries, which I love. I bought him some nice things as well.

I look at it as a day that encourages you to focus on your relationship. People often don't really do that as much as we should, because of the busy-ness of our lives. That doesn't mean that we don't do nice things the rest of the year. Why should these things be mutually exclusive?

I also like our daughter to see us being romantic as a good example for her life. She likes it, and her friends often say we are "cute together". That means a lot to me coming from kids in their late teens.