Oh yea!

A hearing

That'll show'em.

I can't wait to see the sternly worded memo they will issue following a 2-week conclave on this

Kerry calls for pirate hearings as drama continues
By Bridget Johnson
Posted: 04/09/09 02:11 PM [ET]
The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee called for hearings on the mounting piracy threat as the fate of an American cargo-ship captain remained in limbo Thursday.

"These acts of piracy off of Somalia’s coastline may seem surreal, but they’re all too real and a thorough policy debate is long overdue," said Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) in a statement. "When Americans, including at least one from Massachusetts, are endangered, you’ve got a complicated and dangerous international situation brewing, and that includes questions about a hot-pursuit policy on Somalia’s coastline."
