Yes Kathy, I am perplexed at the inaccuracy of American Education as it applies to inventions which are credited to others. Tesla basically invented everything. I'm bafoozled literally at the lack of credit given this obvious genius.

His mistake was selling his ideas / patents to others. Since he was the pioneer he was I assume his philosophy was that he looked to move on to other things realizing that at the time the world was endless as to the things that still needed research. Must have been a time issue as well.

In my opinion, his greatest invention, the Tesla Coil, which could transfer AC through the air (amazing in itself), was never perfected. We of course see it as impossible but it worked and he proved it. Imagine a world without powerlines.

I think maybe it was due to the fact that he was a foriegner that places him where he is in American history. In Serbia, he is on money.