America's education system is a joke. Compared to that of even the most remedial of third world countries, America's public education system has the efficiency of 2 high school parking lot attendents clearing a Wal-Mart parking on a weekend while high. There is no leadership, no direction, no accountability, no punishment. There is only endless circles of beuracracy piled on top of indifference.

Now for many years, I simply felt that this was due to incompetent leaders being in charge of this institutions. I always felt that if a business mind would be allowed to run the "business" ened of a school system, then it would improve productivity. Then it began to dawn on me that the reason business minds do not run school systems is deliberate. Idiots run school systems because they are chosen to run this facilities into the ground. Principals and Superintendents do not back up their teachers with unruly students. Curriculum guides are so convuluted and pointless that even if a student figured them out, they would be learning nothing. Endless standardized tests wear students down to the point that they just don't care what they get anymore.

With teachers afraid to discipline students for fear of not having any judgement placed on the offender there by underminding their power, they have become prisoners in their own classrooms. The inmates run the asylums. Students are passed on to the next grade because they do not want to be dealt with again despite their inability to grasp the fundamentals of that grade level.

My wife is a teacher. She works with low income students. Just a sampling of what she deals with on a daily basis includes students that routinely mouth off and leave the classroom only to have an incompetant guidance counselor say that they are "dealing with stuff at home and need some time to cope." Combine that with a principal that treats said students like a buddy that they would hang out with after work and you create a child that knows they don't have to do anything and can make the teacher's life hell.

Some other tidbits she has seen. A student that reads on a kindergarten level in 6th grade was recently moved to 7th grade (in april) because the administration "didn't want to deal with them." Next year they will move on to 8th grade. The student reads at a kindergarten level and is graduating to 8th grade. How will this person become a productive member of society.

My thoughts are so jumbled and random right now and I wish I organized them better but my whole thought process on this is that the American Education system is not merely incompetent. It has deliberately been setup to fail in order to breed morons that can be controlled by the government.