Ok...so I don't think that the whole thing is as bad as the media is making out to be. But at the same time it almost seems like the Gov is basically saying, "be aware...but ignore it..no big deal". That is the opinion part...now the tin foil hat part.

What if they wanted it to turn into a pandemic? Everyone starts to get sick. A few people die from it. Who can help those without insurance or even with insurance no enough money to pay for healthcare? The government can...that's who. Bring in Socialized Healthcare adn this welfacre program and that welfare program. I mean we are talking about the administration that said the best time to put things forward that wouldn't normally pass is a time of crisis. They could set up whatever prgram that they wanted to, all in the name of taking care of the American people and those less fortunate.

ok. that is what i wanted to say. guess i am too bored at work here.