Got Virgil on the ropes now...

Here's the scenario- you're a preacher in a Christian church in po-dunk Maine or Massachusetts and a couple comes in and asks you to marry them. They know you as a devout Christian who taught them both about the Bible. They tell you that they are both virgins and they are obviously in love and all that and they want a nice church wedding. Oh, and their parents are all big time ACLU trial lawyers, so can afford the biggest and the best.

One big problem though- they're both men. Gay as all hell!

So what the hell do you do? If you say yes you're basically condoning homosexuality. In fact you'd be enabling it. No question you'll be Lucifer's boyfriend in the afterlife for a long, long time. If you refuse, you'll have your sorry ass dragged through court, the church will go bankrupt, not to mention all the vicious crap that goes with publicly dissing homosexuality.

Come on maineman- tell us what you'd do.

His answer? "[T]he position of the United Church of Christ is that homosexuality is not a sin..."