Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
This is the part in the article that had me scratching my head.

Maybe it wouldn't if you read the entire article

"There was, of course, a shadow over all of it, Iran: Iran's support of terrorist groups is something that must be stopped,'' she said. "Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon is something that must not happen and we must stop them with the strongest of diplomatic measures.''

Lantos noted that "with the speaker's support,'' he has co-sponsored legislation in the House that calls for making available to all countries -- including Iran -- nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes under international oversight by establishing a "nuclear fuel bank."

"So if the Iranian president says that he is developing (nuclear material) for peaceful purposes, we are assisting him in that process,'' said Lantos, who anticipated the legislation could pass as early as May.
Like it or not, Iran is a signer of the NPA. But in this administrations fashion, Pakistan and Iran are allowed to pursue nuclear weapons and they are not. Meanwhile, reporst say that bin Laden is hiding in Pakistan, all the while Musaraff denying any American soldiers access to his borders, now that he has what they want.

Is Iran trying to develope a nuke instead of power? Who knows.....but they are allowed to develope nuclear power.