Quote Originally Posted by Samantha View Post
The funding has been there for 5 years. The troops are in the battlefield right now without enough equipment. Are you guys even paying attention at all? Today it was announced that instead of 12 month tours, they all have to stay for 15 months instead. This isn't the congress, this is the US government, the Pentagon. Gates was just on cspan today talking about how the Generals ask the government for equipment and it takes too long to get it to the troops.

The White House hasn't been on the ball, on this war.

He says now, finally, there will be a civilian in the White House appointed to coordinate and to contact, who will cut through the red tape. It wasn't the Democrats who prevented this from being done sooner. It was the Bush administration.

You can't blame the past on the latest war funding bill waiting to be passed.

Do you guys get all your news from your fellow righties on this site, or do you watch cspan and find out what is actually going on? It seems you just want to pretend it's all going swimmingly and close your eyes to the facts.
all yall control the house and senate...do something....fix it ... stop complaining and blaming and do something ...