I have 2 technical errors I am working on.

1 - The animation wasn't loading properly, and technically still isn't. It's supposed to load the 6 images and then have the site name rise from the line. This wasn't happening at all. I changed the parameters and now it loads - but it loads every time you click a link (not a slowdown load though). I will have this fixed to load only once, but left it animated now so that members can see what it's really supposed to do.

2 - In Firefox and Chrome, all is ok. In Internet Explorer, the display appears to take more space than necessary at the top of the board leaving a ton of blank space. There is supposed to be minimal space from where the bottom of the header ends and the navigation bar for vBulletin starts. I will have this fixed as well.

*** Any ideas for changing any other colors within the board to match any aspect of the new header? ***