Quote Originally Posted by chesswarsnow View Post
Sorry bout that,

1. Destroy the Nation, all over healthcare?
2. Yeah that makes a lot of sense.
3. This Nations built on compromise, those not in office need to learn its not thier turn, they lost the election.
4. Now I am willing to do this, there is just so many people unable to do it these days.
5. Joe Wilson being one, he would throw out the baby with the bath water on healthcare.
6. I think hes an idiot!
7. And should have his ass thrown out instead!

This is one instance of a Republican yelling at Obama during a speech in Congress. What about Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Clinton & others that went in public interviews and press conferences and proclaimed GWB to be a liar? Does the requirement that an elected official act like an adult stop when they leave the capitol? If one can speak their mind behind someone's back to the press, why is it such a difference that the opposing party would say it to anothers face?

Also, let's not forget that Wilson was technically correct, and he stood up for the American people when he thought we were being lied to. This is why the Dems have since changed the language in the bill to ensure that illegals do not receive coverage.

What he did was in very bad taste, but if he is to be censured, or tossed out as you wish, then there is a very long line of Dems that should be tossed first before we consider Wilson.