He is just saying what most of us called that they would do back when PPresident Obama was elected. You disagree, it must not be about the policies that you disagree with.... it's because you are racist.
Former President Jimmy Carter drew widespread criticism Wednesday for saying in an interview that Rep. Joe Wilson's "You lie!" outburst last week was "based on racism" and that an "overwhelming portion" of similar demonstrations against President Obama are rooted in bigotry

at least some in the article are pointing out what I said and think as well... but not like it will make that much difference. They are going to pull the race card so much that it will start to mean nothing.

here is just another article. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090916/D9AO5MA00.html

hopefully this will just all blow over soon and we can move on. but i doubt it. probably just the first to come and seen as a way to hopefully silence any opposing views.