Salt Lake City, Oct 27, (THAINDIAN NEWS) The latest addition of the ‘Hot Mormon Muffins‘ Calender has sparked a new controversy. Reportedly, the calender makes fun of the Mormon stereotypes and gives a different angle to motherhood as the moms are portrayed wearing revealing outfits in pin-up postures.

“The Hot Mormon Muffins:A Taste Of Motherhood” calender features 12 muffin recipes for each month and 12 moms who are said to be a part of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which is commonly referred to as the Mormon Church. The calender is basically a companion piece to the three year series calender “Men on a Mission” that was created for the first time in 2008. It featured 12 male church missionaries each one for every month.

Creator of the calender Chad Hardy has emphasized that the calender is an initiative to break the common perception of Mormon as hyper conservative where the mothers are portrayed as subservient and docile housewives without a mind of their own. The calender is basically an attempt to showcase their individuality.

35 year old Tim Roberts, who is the cover girl and also features in the month of May is married to a Mormon man for the the past 17 years with three children. She added that her family believes in traditional Mormon values but at the same time could not understand what the controversy encircling the calender was all about. The lady who works as a restaurant server stressed that all the pictures have been shot aesthetically and is done with a good sense of humor. Church Spokesperson Kim Farah has reportedly refused to comment on the ongoing controversy.

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