Recently four police officers of the state of Washington were gunned down in a coffee shop, by a person who apparently entered the shop for the purpose of deliberately targeting those officers. Since this is a politics-discussion forum, I guess we should as a political question related to this tragedy that gabby has already pretended to answer without giving any detains or justification:

There is clearly a need to protect such officers of the law from the murderous intention of the occasional madman. Does that need justify the deliberate disarming of the entire populace and leaving them at the mercy of those same murderous madmen (plus all the ordinary muggers, rapists, and petty criminals)?

Should the 2nd amendment be repealed and something put in its place saying something like:

"Government recognizes no inherent right of ordinary citizens to keep and bear arms. Government will have the power to regulate, restrict, or ban the ownership of guns and other such weapons by some or all ordinary citizens."?