While the rest of the world travels in super sonic jets and nucleur submarines and puts men on the moon, this is 21st century Africa.

Can you make the connection to African ignorance and savagery and why US prisons are filled with African-Americans?

Abandon Political Correctness and use your common sense and the truth will hit you like a highspeed runaway locomotive.

And that truth will scare the hell out of you.
NAIROBI, Kenya — The mistaken belief that albino body parts have magical powers has driven thousands of Africa's albinos into hiding, fearful of losing their lives and limbs to unscrupulous dealers who can make up to $75,000 selling a complete dismembered set.

NAIROBI // It is not easy being an albino in Africa. It is even worse being an albino in Tanzania, where fair-skinned Africans are hunted by witch-doctors for their body parts.

At least 30 albinos have been killed this year in the East African country. The lucrative trade in albino fingers, feet, even penises is driving the killings. Many rural Tanzanians still believe in traditional medicine, and a potion made from albino appendages is said to make one rich.