I love liberal tolerance

Libs are always willing to listen to you - as long as you agree with everything they say and do

If you don't - well you are removed from the building and not allowed YOUR free speech the left claims they cherish

Sen. Harry Reid declared Thursday that Nevada would benefit more than almost any other state if health care insurance reform becomes law, a pledge he made in a carefully choreographed forum at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, that only a few hecklers managed to crash.

"Who's going to pay for it?" one woman shouted from the back of the packed Judy Bayley Theatre, several minutes after campus police escorted a young man from the auditorium when he questioned Reid's statement that the bill he shepherded through the Senate would help Nevadans.

I'm here to tell you that when President (Barack) Obama signs this bill into law, Nevada will benefit more than almost any other," Reid, D-Nev., said before he was interrupted.

The statement -- which appeared aimed at responding to criticism that the Senate majority leader let states such as Nebraska win special benefits in exchange for support -- set off the protester.

"I have to say I have a point,'' said Michael Steger, the heckler who later identified himself as a supporter of Lyndon LaRouche, a perennial candidate for president and controversial activist.

The crowd of more than 450 mostly Reid supporters and Democrats shouted the man down, chanting ''sit down, sit down, sit down," which he refused to do.

Several men in the audience then grabbed him by the arms and dragged him to campus police, who released him outside.

Reid shook his head.

"I'm sorry to say this is what we've been dealing with for a long time," he said, referring to strong criticism he has faced from Republicans and others who oppose the bill and even from within his own party.
