Quote Originally Posted by Agnapostate View Post
That's what you think, Cletus. Aren't you whining about the welfare queens? Don't you know your power is being extracted slowly and subtly, while you're too stupid to look?
LOL!...I don't "whine" about the welfare queens.

I ridicule the weak white liberals who coddle these useless helpless slugs.

These two groups make a helluva good pair, don't they?

Hey, as a matter of fact, they have been interbreeding...LOL!

And you know the end consequence.

No, actually I don't aggy...

I do know that 2/3 of America is white which is about 200 million people of which half are conservative which is about 100 million people of which half of them add up to about 50 million armed white warriors.

I think I have a pretty good idea of what might happen.....A house cleaning! You have the wrong side of the looking glass confused with reality, Alice.