Of course when something like this happens, and 32 people have been murdered at a school, the left starts calling for gun control and the right and the NRA start calling for the left to shut the fuck up.

I support the constitution, therefore I support the right for law abiding citizens with no criminal record to own guns. I support the constitution, therefore I protest Gonzales and Bush for their torture policy, their removing habeus corpus, their illegal wiretaps. I hold the constitution as sacred to our freedom and liberty.

I don't know much about gun laws.

  • So I ask the folks here, who have guns, do we have strong enough laws to prevent guns from being sold to people without the proper background checks?
  • Do you have to pass a test to buy a gun?
  • Do you have to have a license to buy a gun?
  • Is there a background check?
  • If a person is found with a gun, without it being registered, is it a federal offense?
  • Do we need tougher gun laws?
  • If you are a law abiding citizen, why would you be against tougher laws so that someone not as upstanding as you would be prevented from buying a gun?