Parent Hat on Mode:

For the past few seasons my wife and I have let our kids watch American Idol as they really get into the people and seeing them go from being a "normal person" to a Celebrity - that's all find and well i suppose.. BUT....

This season - so far anyway - has started to get under my skin even more than ever; for many reaons I'm sure - due to the fact that it's obvious the producers of that show purposely plant retarded people (even if actors) in front of the 3 main judges only to have them laughed at and ridiculed for their physical appearances...

Because of that my wife and I are now highly considering not letting our kids watch the show until they're all in Hollywood and not laughing at folks during the multi-city try-outs... as we don't think it's healthy to have our kids it's okay to somehow laugh or make fun of those who are obviously missing certain mental facalties...

my $.02-cents...