Sorry bout that,

Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
No, the main focus of humanity is tolerance, as can be found in the golden rule. The fact that we have gone through the New Test. and Old Test and scrubbed out the bad bits (by our own judgement) has meant Christianity is more tolerant, but some intolerance's still exist, for example intolerance of homosexuals ect.

I'm sure i could pick 100 bible verses, and as a Christian you would disagree with every one of them, as would i as an atheist, why? Because we are decent people and we know what is right and what is wrong, with or without religion.

1. Pure blarney.
2. Just where do you base your moral back ground from?
3. From some acient atheist text, passed down through the generational curve of some secret society inwhich your gand parents were members?
