In an effort to advance a bill through Congress before midterm elections, the president meets with two senators who have spent months trying to craft legislation.

Reporting from Washington - Despite steep odds, the White House has discussed prospects for reviving a major overhaul of the nation's immigration laws, a commitment that President Obama has postponed once already.

Obama took up the issue privately with his staff Monday in a bid to advance a bill through Congress before lawmakers become too distracted by approaching midterm election
Gee... maybe it is because they want those people to be able to tip the voting scale in their favor... I mean they figure that they would owe them at least a vote since they got the citizenship. Give me a break... 'become too distracted' my ass.

Citizenship would not be granted lightly, the White House said. Undocumented workers would need to register, pay taxes and pay a penalty for violating the law. Failure to comply might result in deportation.
This is the best part of the whole article... but who knows if it would be enforced.

I have no problem with these people becoming citizens, but come on. It does hit a point where so much law breaking is enough. If they do this, then they really need to dive into better border security and hammering the companies that hire illegals. These people would come into the counrty right and legally if there wasn't a place for them to go!,1123497.story