Just a random thought here as to how far we now go in Society to make things appear to be that what they are not. Here's a list of some of my pet-peaves:

2. Magazine Pics of "perfect-looking" people
http://www.dpchallenge.com/tutorial.php?TUTORIAL_ID=54 - thanks dmp for link
3. TV / Movies: Seriously.... how often do "love scenes" happen in real life?

How did we get to the point where we're all part of the problem? The reason these issues exist is because we ALL buy into them! Take away the demand, and these issues will subside due to the free-market we have in America and most of Western Europe...

I have a feeling it's largely due to our unquenchable thirst for fantasy as a form of escapism. We as a culture have cultivated these issues to a point where they're somehow "normal" now and to be accepted without question.

Anywho... / gets off soap box now..

What are some of our pet-peaves in society?