Would you vote for a representative that is too cowardly to meet with those he's supposed to represent? Actions have consequences, just like elections:


Dem lawmaker cancels town hall due to security concerns
By Jordan Fabian - 03/31/10 02:28 PM ET
Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) canceled a town hall on the new healthcare law Tuesday because of concerns about the security of the event.

The congressman's office cited safety issues at the facility where the meeting was to take place and threats to his office, according to a report by News21.

"We just thought it best to cancel it for safety concerns. This was not meant to be a place where we're going to talk partisan politics," Pat Lowry, a member of Ryan's staff, told News21. "Don't get me wrong, Congressman Ryan will debate anyone, anytime."
I guess the release of all those 'threats' was to make way for these actions. They will not work...