Quote Originally Posted by BoogyMan View Post
God loves all, but He expects us to come to Him on His terms, not our own.
According to your belief system. In mine I have always been with God and there is no "come to him on his terms".

I would not speak to freely about God not being vengeful either, as He has a righteous vengeance on those who deny Him.
Once again this is what you've been taught and believe. I choose to not believe it.

Which of us do you think goes through their day happier and more relaxed....you, who fears upsetting God or me, who knows that my God realizes we all make mistakens and loves me anyway.

Directions to San Jose as Metaphor for finding way to God.

A woman once asked God how to get to San Jose and he showed her a couple of ways to get from here to there. When asked what would happen if jshe took the first way he said there will be many traffic problems and delays. And the second way? No traffic but twice as long and you will have to leave early and spend most of the day getting there. Either way, you will get there. It is your choice. She knew she wanted to get to San Jose and made the choice about what she was willing to experience on the way. But who really cares which way she went other than her. Why is it our duty to convince her that one way is better than the other?

Coming to terms with God is like getting to San Jose. There are different ways and it is our choice how to get there as long as we stay on track to where we know we want to be. And, I'm sure there'll be people on the way that only heard God telling us how to use the first route and what we would have to deal with to get there...(my scriptures vs your scriptures, etc.) .....and there are people who heard the second way and think it would be stupid for anyone to pass up the relaxation just in order to get there earlier. Neither way is incorrect....it's just what kind of journey do you want for yourself on the way.