Darin, I hope everything works out for your cat. I know how hard it can be dealing with them in pain, and the pain it can cause to a family.

I'm not going to get into it with others or any name calling. Let me just say that I personally would take a bullet for one of my dogs and would have done the same for all of the cats I used to own. Not a single one of them asked to live with me, and I knew full well when I took them in what possible consequences you can have when dealing with an animal. With that said, I've enjoyed many years of love and affection from my pets. I have one tattooed on me and both my dogs sleep in my bed every night. I've seen the joy and smiles they put on my Mom's face over the years as companionship for her. Just the thought of knowing I will lose my dogs someday makes me sad.

I despise people who take in animals and then treat them badly. I feel for the animals and wish I could do more to help them in helpless situations. That's why my wife and I donate a decent chunk of change yearly to help. If I ever witnessed someone purposely harming a defenseless animal, there's gonna be fists flying. Purposely killing an animal that can just be given to someone else, brought to a shelter that doesn't kill animals, or even letting them go into the wild - is disgusting and I think speaks volumes about ones character. There are MANY places around the country who will take in cats/dogs and guarantee not to put them down. I've donated to a place well known in the NYC area called PAWS that guarantees just that, and it's the best money I've spent.