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SEC and Pornography: Workers Spent Hours on Porn Sites Instead of Stopping Fraud
Gov't Report Finds Securities and Exchange Commission Employees Surfing Pornographic Websites at Work

April 22, 2010—

On a day when President Obama argued for more government regulation over the financial industry, a new government report reveals that some high-level regulators have spent more time looking at porn than policing Wall Street.

The Securities and Exchange Commission is supposed to be the sheriff of the financial industry, looking for financial crimes like Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme. But the new report, obtained by ABC News, says senior employees of the SEC spent hours on the commission's computers looking at sites like naughty.com, skankwire, youporn, and others.

The investigation, which was conducted by the SEC's internal watchdog at the request of Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, found 31 serious offenders over the past two and a half years. Seventeen of the offenders were senior SEC officers with salaries ranging from $100,000 to $222,000 per year.

Eight Hours a Day Spent on Porn Sites

One senior attorney at SEC headquarters in Washington spent up to eight hours a day accessing Internet porn. When he filled all the space on his government computer with pornographic images, he downloaded more to CDs and DVDs that accumulated in boxes in his offices.

An SEC accountant attempted to access porn websites 1,800 times in a two-week period and had 600 pornographic images on her computer hard drive.

Another SEC accountant attempted to access porn sites 16,000 times in a single month....
and one of those 'reformers' that failed? Well he's got a new gig:


Obama Treasury official who worked on subprime markets is writing consumer financial protection legislation?

By: J.P. Freire
Associate Commentary Editor
04/22/10 4:59 PM EDT

Billionaire John Paulson was a big donor to the Community for Responsible Lending, an organization headed by now-deputy assistant secretary of consumer protection Eric Stein. The group advocated for and engaged in the very kind of subprime lending that led to the financial collapse.
An Obama Treasury department official behind the consumer protection language in the proposed financial reform legislation is a former head of the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL), the advocacy wing of a non-profit community development lender funded by none other than John Paulson — the billionaire who worked with Goldman Sachs to package bad mortgages into securities and offer them on the market.

President Obama’s deputy assistant secretary for consumer protection Eric Stein served as senior vice president of CRL. He also served as the President/SEO of CRL’s parent network, the Center for Community Self-Help...
Many thought the reason for the SEC filing on Goldman Sachs was Obama's financial reform initiative; now it looks more likely that it was to bury the porn scandal...