Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post
thanks guys, really.

He had initially responded to some of the meds; however last night he got quiet and still. Xray today showed massive amounts of bloating/gas in his intestines and the lympomia affecting most of his lower organs. Was just time to stop his suffering.

Luckily I had today off; would have not liked to have missed the final moments with him.

I didn't like cats until I found bradlee at a shelter in seattle. He was sitting on top of his brother (whom we also adopted, and who was put-down 1 Dec 07), with his paws around the bars of the cage and he was screaming with a 7-week old Kitten voice.

I remember signing the papers to complete the adoption in 1996 - 3 years before my daughter was born. Came full-circle today when I signed the authorization for euthanasia.

The kittens started to wreak havoc on my allergies - the first year or so I couldn't much pet them without nose dripping and eyes itching. After awhile though, I stopped noticing problems. Before we got these cats I used to poke fun of cat-people. I'm darin...and I'm a cat-person now.
Wow, I am sorry to hear that the little guy didn't make it. I know how attached I am to my pets so I can imagine how you must feel. Cats are pretty awesome, and I am sorry you lost your friend.