So, my relationship went belly up on Sunday, which was bad enough, but since my ex was the one on the lease, I'm left pretty much homeless at this point. There's fault on both sides, I won't lie to any of you about that much. I'm ADD, and that caused a lot of friction, but she also knew this about me before we got together, so it wasn't as though I was hiding it.

As well, because of the crap economy here in Dover, I got laid off from the plant job I had been working a few months ago, and the unemployment around here sucks horribly, along with being near impossible to get. Despite my best efforts all around, I wasn't able to find any other employment anywhere, not even McJobs, temp or even Labor Ready and Manpower (Yes, it's that bad here). Now I'm not much of a complainer, never have been, but a few months back, the relationship had nearly tanked previously, and I tried to ask my dad for help (which is like swallowing acid for me. I hate having to admit I can't take care of something on my own). The response I got then was, "You should try to work it out if you can, cause you being how you are, how many women are even gonna put up with you"

I have friends who were abused who think that's just plain fucked up. He wasn't joking, or in any tone close to it. He wanted me to draft a plan if I really needed the help that I would have to show him.

Well, I did try to work it out, but to no avail. It still went to shit, and there's really nothing more I can do at this point on that end. The big problem is that this leaves me homeless now, but I came up with a plan anyhow. I'm in college online through Liberty University Online for a degree in Elementary Education, and because of all the financial aid I took, I have a refund coming back to me of about a thousand dollars.

My friends Jess and John are coming down from VT to get me, and let me stay with them for a bit to get my own place. Meanwhile, I've managed to get a couch to crash on that is keeping me off the streets, but it's a temp fix. John is helping me out by helping me get a job at the Best Buy he works at, and I've been looking up apartments and such that I can switch out to around there after that. This at least gets me to a point of vague stability, but I also found out the local elementary schools are hurting for people, and so I'm going to be stopping off in those places left and right to get a position, since it follows my major.

I've done my research and due diligence all around, but no help from dad, and he in fact dropped me this text message when I told him and my mom that my relationship had fallen apart, "I'm sorry about that, It sounds like you should definitely go on temporary assistance. I love you."

Beyond point that I had not even asked him for help yet is the point that he had given me his word he would help me if I gave him a plan. So, I'm sending my plan of action to both him and my mom (Crazy me, I try to update my parents as to my status), and get told that he "just can't be involved" in this (Again, not asking him for help, he is supplying this on his own). Then the next day, when my sister-in-law goes into labor, Dad jumps an immediate flight from New York City to San Francisco, California on no notice (Almost worth noting that Michael didn't want him there, and had not asked him to be there). That's $3,500 right off the top, without any other costs, and my dad makes six figure, with a $35k yearly bonus.

Well, I'm like, "Okay, fuck him. I'm doing all right at this point. Jess and John don't have much, and I can't stay with them long, but the refund money's coming in soon, and I can use that. It's not great, but it'll work. Just have to bust ass when I get to Vermont."

I am supposed to leave on Sunday, with a job interview on Monday, and the federal government is dragging it's heels on my loans, so I still do not have my refund, and it isn't looking promising to have it by Sunday to give gas money, and a month's rent to their landlord (Jess and John don't make all that much, so this is a just too much to ask out of them without covering gas). So now I'm starting to freak out a bit, cause however well I might be doing, it's like quicksand at this point. Everything I do to try and help myself only has me sinking deeper. Meanwhile, to add to the great amount of fun I'm having, my dad has decided to write me off.

A thought occurred to me, "I know God won't give me any more than I can handle, but I just wish He didn't trust me so much."

I'm not really expecting anyone on this site to be able to help me out or anything, but I needed to vent and figure out my options at this point.