...Panetta also warned that being a U.S. citizen was no protection for those who conspire against the United States. He had been asked about Anwar al-Aulaqi, an American-born cleric, now in Yemen, who has been linked to terrorist attacks, including the Fort Hood shootings and the bombing attempt on a Detroit-bound plane last Christmas.

"Aulaqi is a terrorist and, yes, he is a U.S. citizen, but he is first and foremost a terrorist, and we are going to treat him like a terrorist," Panetta said when asked whether Aulaqi was on an assassination list. "We don't have an assassination list, but I can tell you this: We have a terrorist list, and he's on it." Intelligence and counterterrorism officials have said Aulaqi is on a target list of terrorists who can be killed. ....

Does anyone have a problem with the idea that US citizens can be put on a terrorist list?