There are currently 2 styles to choose from. The default if you haven't manually changed it is the blue style. The original out of the box, with a few DP changes, is the all white one. This poll is regarding the blue style which I've worked most on in the hopes of adding the recommended changes from members and staying as our default style.

If you like it, that means you don't want any changes. If you specify you like it, but want changes, make those changes known in this thread. If you hate it, and want something completely different, please let me know specifically what you would rather see.

Here is a link to all the "free styles" available on If you're adventurous enough to go through them, and see one you want me to add as an option, post a link here.

There are also "premium" styles out there, if one chooses to search on their own. Do a Google search on "vbulletin styles" or "premium vbulletin styles". If someone found a great one, and the majority agreed, I'll pony up and buy a premium theme.