I read a lot of books. Different authors, different genres, fiction, nonfiction. I love to read. One of my favorite books is The Stand by Stephen King. I've read it three times. The original 1978 publication, the 1990 uncut version, then the 1978 version again. It stood, for me, as an unparallelled epic novel, perhaps King's best work and a modern American classic. While I've enjoyed to no end a great many books since, it has stood the test of time in my mind, with nothing in fiction coming close to it's level of story telling.

Until now...

I just finished The Passage by Justin Cronin. An author I had never heard of with just two other books to his name. This book may very well have usurped The Stand as my favorite. I'll know for sure after I sleep on it, but it doesn't look good for King.

Viral vampires, post apocalyptic America, perilous journey, great story telling...

This is definitely the best book I've read this year.

And the best thing? It's the first book of a trilogy.

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