After several months of suffering with IE8, I decided to switch to Firefox. I heard that it is more secure and does not have all the problems that IE 8 has.

Some of the things that IE8 did that annoyed me...

1. It would regularly freeze on web pages. I have a Google home page with news and other gadgets (including an RSS feed to my favorite message board.. hint.. hint)... loading that sometimes would be enough to cause my session to freeze indefinitely.

2. More than once, printing web pages turned into a major effort. Again, because IE8 froze.

3. I read that IE8 is not very secure while Firefox is. I've been hit several times either with viruses or malware/adware.

I tried Firefox before but I switched back because of problems. For instance, the work website I use requires IE to work properly.

anyone have any thoughts on this?