The entitlement mentality has reached a point where now people hit the streets for more handouts

Now the unemployed DEMAND more unemployment checks and not jobs

The failure of the Obama administration to create more jobs, although he will say otherwise, has enraged many Americans across our nation. The unemployment rate is at 9.5%, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

Some people are desperate and scared, and some simply don't want to work or are too prideful to work a job they are "overqualified" for. These are difficult times which will require sacrifice and sacrifice builds character.

The 99ers, the group of people who have exhausted their 99 weeks of unemployment benefits, gathered today on Wall Street to protest their lack of jobless benefits. They want yet another extension of their unemployment checks. A complaint from one woman was that she had to move in with family and get her food from a food bank. What happened to being thankful that family could take her in and thanking God she lives in a community that has a food bank? Another complaint was that the jobs available were fit for high school students. Again, there are jobs available; people simply have too much pride to take them.

Nowhere are we promised an easy life and for many, right now, we are facing many challenges, but where did this entitlement attitude come from? Where do these people propose the government gets the money they feel that they are entitled to have? "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" - (Karl Marx), I suppose.

The government is being misused and those that govern are allowing such abuses. Taking care of those in need should fall on "we the people", not the government. So, that being said, the fact that a woman has to get her food from a food bank and live with family should be a good thing because some community out there is doing its job and people are taking care of each other without government mandate.

Rather than protest for more unemployment benefits, these people should be protesting in Washington for the jobs that were promised during Barack Obama's campaign. Small businesses are scared because they don't know their future in terms of new taxes or health care benefit requirements; therefore, they are not hiring or expanding business at this time. Washington is on a reckless spending spree, passing bills they haven't even read (most recently the 23 billion dollar education jobs bill) and it doesn't look like they intend to stop until our country is completely destroyed. This method may create some short term stimulus jobs, but as for any long term benefits, there are none, and our country's deficit just keeps on growing.