Would love to have postive energy and prayers sent my way to help my 45 year old sister get better. She had a heart attack on Monday...she has had breast cancer since she was 38 ... mastectomy and Herceptin (she has the Hurst II gene - which means the cancer is aggressive).....the Herceptin has weakened and scarred her heart.

The cancer was in control until she became immune to the herceptin. They took her off 3 weeks ago so she would get ready for a new clinical trial. When she went in on Mon to get the dye injected so they could do the contrast scans........everything shut down and she had a heart attack.

I drove 7 hours to get here and have been with her since 10:00 Mon night. She has a cardiologist, cancer doctor, kidney docter, internist, pain management and her admitting doctor. They change shifts every 12 hours so I have to reintroduce myself as the one making the medical decisions and keep track of wht they are doing. She's had EKG, echocardios, xrays, and so on and so on.

the good thing is that the hospial has a program called HELP which is that they encourage patients to have an advoate, someone who will ask questions and they encourage asking what is being done and what is being given...etc. They have taken good care of her.

We will find out tomorrow if her heart and kidneys are going to get good enought to do an angiogram/plasty???

So, I'll be in and out when I can but pleae send me anything positive you can....cause I'm exhausted and have run out of "thank yous".

Take care,