Very simple. I want opinions on the current state of religion in this country. I agree with both sides. While seperation of Church and State makes reasonable sense, unreasonable people twist it to suit their agendas. Public schools should not have "Prayer Assemblies", where all the students are joined in prayer. But I will be livid the day one of my daughter's gets in trouble for praying over her meal in the school cafeteria.

Extremists atheists (because I never believe that any group of individuals can be all lumped together in opinion...) want to push their beliefs onto the general public. They want to see no sign of any religion, of any kind. They take this so far as to want to change our nation's motto. What would you have it be? "One Nation, Unless You Disagree"?

Leave my country alone. If you want to know what Seperation of Church and State was for, look in a history book, it's perfectly clear.