Quote Originally Posted by krisy View Post
Whats their point?
The point is no one saw WTC7 collapse on prime-time tv, many don't even know that a third high-rise collapsed that day.

Conspiracy theory?
The official explanation, which is a conspiracy theory (19 arabs led by Osama Bin Laden conspired to provoke act of terrorism on american soil), is that debris from the falling twin towers set WTC7 afire, then 7 hours later, about 5:20 in the afternoon, the building collapsed

Government did it?
No, the entire government is not under suspicion, too big and to clumsy, and it includes a minister that actually went against the official conspiracy theory (I think you never heard of Minister of Transportation Mineta deposition too, just like you didn't see or hear about the collapse of WTC7).
Even your former president is not under suspiction, many believe he was just another victim of the situation, which (I remind you) is not an insult, it's just the official explanation too.