Sertes - I didn't send him to that site specifically for WTC7 but for a better picture on everything being discussed, including the "pull" which he had just mentioned. As for your analysis, you are still regurgitating Steven Jones' bullshit that has been being laughed at for years now, by his school, by his peers, and those with actual experience. ae911truth is a joke no different than the scholars for 911 truth. As for a steel building never falling before in history - I guess you forgot our debate already, or didn't want to read the bullshit site I linked to.

Which brings me full circle - you guys want to constantly make claims with ZERO PROOF - and it's obvious to a newborn baby that the majority of you aren't READING.

Sertes, for what its worth, YOU I believe are reading all the reports and other sites. You are always very well detailed and prepared with your arguments. I just think you fell off a ladder when you were a kid and hurt your medulla oblongata.