Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
You have NEVER busted me for lying, unlike you I don't need to lie in a debate. I've NEVER screwed with your account. And you are a LIAR here because you outright state it says things in the article that it doesn't, then refuse to admit you made it up. That's as clear cut as a lie can be!! Hell, but I guess the other 3 that chimed in thus far are just seeing things 2, huh fatman?

Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
This is exactly why I don't answer in the manner you want me to, because you would rather play games with the words than actually discuss the issue. And here you are again with the "You're saying". I guess when you can't win you'll just make up a post and claim it's things I am saying.

I'm sure everyone reading this thread thought I was advocating torture against the "right wing extremists"! That's BS and you know it. You're playing semantics and word games and only looking like the ass you are.

Btw - why did you change YOUR stance? You once wrote that you were fine with them torturing based on RACE, and now you seem to be against it.
Your response when I called you out on your Lie -

Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
blah blah blah, your usual treading of water complaining I haven't answered you. Fine, I'll concede, my several times of answering you in different manners are not there.

Upset a little, homo boy? Don't like it when people just make shit up in the midst of a debate and claim you said things you never did? Tough shit, stop doing it to me then.
Like I said, you're a real piece of work there Slick