He keeps talking about how people are hurting and that unemployment must come down, yet gas prices are rising fast enough to make it inevitable that working poor are not going to be able to get to their jobs.


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Top Five Things Obama Has Done to Raise Gasoline Prices
By Steve Everley on January 3, 2011 2:12 PM
Thumbnail image for gaspump.jpgWith gasoline currently above $3 per gallon nationwide and economists expecting that price to rise even further in 2011, America should be getting serious about producing more of its own resources. But instead of focusing on how to bring more relief to American motorists, President Obama has imposed massive new regulations, restrictions, and even threatened higher taxes on American energy, all of which negatively impact domestic production.

What follows is a list of the five most egregious actions on the part of the Obama administration that have contributed to higher gasoline prices and greater dependence on foreign dictators for our energy:

Cancelling existing permits:

Needlessly delaying offshore leasing:

Pushing for more taxes on American energy:

Imposing a moratorium on oil and gas drilling:

Issuing a new offshore drilling ban:
