While dealing with my quitting smoking (which I beat!), and now working out and eating properly - I've also been nursing a bad tooth hoping to avoid the dentist.

Well, you can't do that forever. I went in this morning as I couldn't take the pain anymore. It was actually an oral surgeon, only place I could find open today. And I guess that was good as it needed to be pulled. Paid the extra to have them knock me out and woke up without my bottom right molar.

The meds they gave me are wearing off and I'm in intense pain right now. He prescribed me Vicodins which I am awaiting to kick in right now! Tooth is bleeding a lot, can't eat and can barely drink.

But it makes my diet easier for now!

And if/when the pain goes away, I can enjoy whatever Vicodins are left over as a treat.

The one thing I don't miss after leaving the dentist and being told you can't smoke for 24hrs, now I don't need to worry about that!